
찬양MV 《하나님의 진실한 사랑》

《하나님의 진실한 사랑》 
할렐루야! 할렐루야! 할렐루야! 할렐루야! 
오늘 하나님 앞에 돌아와
하나님의 사랑스런 얼굴 보았네
오늘 하나님 앞에 돌아와
떠돌던 날들과 작별하였네
오늘 하나님 앞에 돌아와
꿀 같은 그 말씀 더없이 누리네
오늘 하나님 앞에 돌아와 
하고픈 말 많고 많네
온유한 말씀 내게 부어 주어 자라나게 하셨고
엄격한 말씀으로 넘어진 날 격려하시네
우리가 당신을 찬양할 수 있는 것도
하나님의 높여주심이네 
오늘의 찬양도 하나님의 축복과 긍휼이네
전능하신 이여, 당신을 사랑하나이다!
전능하신 하나님을 찬양하세!
전능하신 하나님을 찬양하세!

하나님, 크신 사랑에 당신 말씀 매일 누리네
하나님, 크신 사랑에 매일 새로운 깨우침이 있네
하나님, 크신 사랑에 뭇 자민 양육받아 목마르지 않네 
하나님, 크신 사랑에 사탄 권세 벗었네
형제자매여, 함께 일어나 찬양 돌리세 (라라라라라)
오늘 함께할 수 있는 좋은 기회 소중히 여기리
육체의 모든 짐을 벗고 
마음껏 하나님을 찬양하세
온 맘 다해 본분하며 온 몸 바쳐 사랑하세
전능하신 이여, 영원히 당신을 사랑하나이다!
≪어린양을 따르며 새 노래 부르네≫에서 발췌

전능하신 하나님 교회는 예수님의 재림말세의 그리스도 ‘전능하신 하나님 중국에서의 역사로 말미암아 탄생된 것이지 사람이 세운 것이 아닙니다그리스도는 진리생명이십니다하나님의 말씀을 읽어보면 하나님께서 이미 나타나셨음을 알게 됩니다.

복음직통전화 : 070-7516-7062 /1566-2851

A Cappella "God’s True Love" (Official Music Video)

God’s True Love

Today I come before God again, and see His lovely face.
Today I come before God again, and say goodbye to my drifting past.
Today I come before God again; enjoying God’s words fills my heart with unparalleled sweetness.
Today I come before God again, and have too many heartfelt words to speak.
God’s tender words water me and feed me to grow up.
God’s stern words encourage me to rise up again after falling.
O God! It’s really Your uplifting that we can praise You.
It’s altogether Your blessing and mercy that we can extol You today.
We love You, Almighty True God!

O God! You love us so much and let us enjoy Your words every day.
O God! You love us so much and give us new enlightenment every day.
O God! You love us so much, watering and feeding us, Your people.
O God! You love us so much, leading us to break free from the influence of Satan.
Brothers and sisters, be quick to rise up! Let’s praise our God together.
We are together today; we should treasure the good opportunity given by God. 
Get rid of all burdens of the flesh, and praise Almighty God heartily.
Perform our duty with all our heart and effort, and love God with actual deeds!
Almighty True God, we will love You forever and ever!

from Follow the Lamb and Sing New Songs

English Christian Devotional Song With Lyrics | "The Way to Quieten Your Heart Before God"

English Christian Devotional Song With Lyrics | "The Way to Quieten Your Heart Before God"

Ways to quiet your heart before God
are to begin with ways of prayer.
Have a single mind, pray at a fixed time.
Even if busy, pressed for time, no matter what comes upon you,
daily pray as normal, eat and drink God’s words.
Prayer is where you should start from.
Peaceful prayer bears the best fruit.
Eat God’s words, imbibe, try obtaining light.
When you ponder over God’s words, the path to practice you should seek,
know where God’s words aim, and don’t deviate.
Draw God near to your heart and contemplate God’s love.
Ponder the words of God, block outside distractions.
Quieting your heart before God
is one of the most crucial steps for entering into God’s words.
All urgently need this lesson,
all urgently need this lesson.

When your heart’s at peace to a point that you’re able to muse within
and ponder God’s love in all occasions,
that you truly draw near to Him
and your heart is so full of praise,
it exceeds prayer, then you have stature.
Only after they are able to truly be at peace before God,
man is affected by Holy Spirit.
They’ll be enlightened and guided and illuminated by Him.
They’ll commune with Him and can grasp His will.
If people can reach this, then they will have entered onto the right track in their spiritual lives.
Quieting your heart before God
is one of the most crucial steps for entering into God’s words.
All urgently need this lesson,
all urgently need this lesson.
from Follow the Lamb and Sing New Songs   

《神真實的愛》回到神前真幸福【MV】【A Cappella】








1 神將榮耀給了以色列,又從以色列中挪走,從而把以色列民帶到了東方,也把所有的人都帶到了東方,都帶給了「光」,讓人都與光重逢,都與光相交,不再尋覓,不再尋覓。神要讓所有的尋求之人都重見光,看見神在以色列的榮耀;看見神駕著白雲來在人中間;看見白雲朵朵,看見果實纍纍,更看見以色列的耶和華神;看見猶太人的「夫子」;看見人所盼望的彌賽亞,也看見歷代君王逼迫的神的全貌。

2 神要作全宇的工作,神要大動工程,把神的所有榮耀都顯給末世的人,把神的全部作為都顯給末世的人,把神的全部榮臉都顯給等待神多少年的人,顯給盼望神駕著白雲來的人,顯給盼望神再次顯現的以色列,顯給逼迫神的全人類,讓人都知道,神早已將榮耀帶走,帶到了東方,不在猶太,因末世早已來到!








1 沒有人察覺到神的到來,沒有人迎接神的到來,更沒有人知道神將要作的一切,沒有人知道神將要作的一切。人的生活如往常一樣,平常的心、平常的歲月。神也如平常人一樣生活在我們中間,作為一名最小的跟隨者、作為一名普通的信徒。沒有人察覺到神的到來,沒有人迎接神的到來,更沒有人知道神將要作的一切,沒有人知道神將要作的一切。人的生活如往常一樣,平常的心、平常的歲月。神也如平常人一樣生活在我們中間,作為一名最小的跟隨者、作為一名普通的信徒。他有自己的追求,有自己的目標,更有常人沒有的神性。沒有人注意到他神性的存在,也沒有人覺察到他的實質與人的區別。

2 我們與他生活在一起,毫無拘束,也無懼怕,因為他在我們眼裡只是一名小小的信徒。我們的舉手投足都在他的眼目之中,都在他的眼目之中,我們的心思、我們的意念都在他前暴露無遺。我們與他生活在一起,毫無拘束,也無懼怕,因為他在我們眼裡只是一名小小的信徒。我們的舉手投足都在他的眼目之中,都在他的眼目之中,我們的心思、我們的意念都在他前暴露無遺。沒有人對神的存在產生興趣,也沒有人對他盡的功用有什麼想像,更沒有人對他的身分有任何的猜疑。我們只是在繼續著我們的追求,似乎與神毫不相干……

3 神的愛猶如泉水一樣綿延流淌,賜給你,賜給我,也賜給他,賜給所有真心尋求真理、等候神顯現等候神顯現的人。賜給所有真心尋求真理、等候神顯現等候神顯現的人。神的作工猶如日月更替猶如日月更替從未止息,作在你身上,作在我身上,也作在他的身上,作在所有跟上神的腳蹤、接受神審判刑罰的人身上。作在你身上,作在我身上,也作在他身上,作在所有跟上神的腳蹤、接受神審判刑罰的人身上。




Almighty God's Word "The Essence of the Flesh Inhabited by God" | The Church of Almighty God

Almighty God says, "All of this was proof that He was a normal man, which proved that God’s incarnate flesh was a flesh with normal humanity, not a supernatural one. His job was to complete the work of God’s first incarnation, to fulfill the ministry of the first incarnation. The significance of incarnation is that an ordinary, normal man performs the work of God Himself; that is, that God performs His divine work in humanity and thereby vanquishes Satan. Incarnation means that God’s Spirit becomes a flesh, that is, God becomes flesh; the work that He does in the flesh is the work of the Spirit, which is realized in the flesh, expressed by the flesh. No one except God’s flesh can fulfill the ministry of the incarnate God; that is, only God’s incarnate flesh, this normal humanity—and no one else—can express the divine work."

Finding the Way Back To God | Praise and Worship “Chinese Gospel Choir Episode 8”

Listen! God’s people are telling the story of God and man by their attractive singing. A touching and warm picture is thus presented: For six thousand years, God has been treating man as His dearest one. He not only made coats of skins for man, but has always been protecting and caring for man at their side silently. Also, He unfailingly supplies man and devotes everything to man. From this, man can truly feel God’s faithfulness, honor, humbleness, and loveliness. Almighty God, Christ of the last days who is brimming with authority and power, has now come to the world and done the work of judgment with His word. God’s people will surely listen to His voice; all those who truly love God have already returned to His throne one after another. Gradually, all people will have reverence toward God and restart a harmonious, happy life with Him.

1. God Has Returned Triumphant
2. God’s Realness and Loveliness
3. God Treats Man as His Dearest One

Seek God’s New Work | Music Concert “Chinese Gospel Choir Episode 7”

God created everything and governs everything; at the same time, He rules over and supplies all things. This is God’s true identity: the unique God Himself. God is in heaven and also on earth. He can both ascend to the highest place and humble Himself by assuming flesh. Since man was corrupted by Satan, God has never left man, but has been taking good care of, showing concern for, and watching over man. To save man from the influence of Satan thoroughly, God carries out the six-thousand-year management plan, does three stages of work, and changes ages by different names. In the last days, God is no longer called Jehovah or Jesus, but is called the powerful Almighty God Himself. He will use this name to conclude the entire age and restore His original status in the hearts of all creatures. He will make the whole of mankind see His true face and acknowledge that He is the God of all creatures.

1. God’s Own Identity and Position
2. God’s Substance Truly Exists
3. The Significance of God’s Name

God’s Love Awakes My Heart | Chinese Gospel Choir of the Church of Almighty God Episode 6

Since His creation of man, God has been protecting and watching over man. Although man didn’t obey His word and was corrupted by Satan, God has never given them up but has been guiding and supplying them. In the last days, God returns to flesh and does a work of judgment and chastisement by the word. Under the guidance of His word, man beholds God’s almightiness and wisdom, appreciates God’s great love and salvation for him, and knows God’s holiness and righteousness. At the same time, man discerns the ugly face of Satan, sees through various tricks with which Satan corrupts man, and thus rejects Satan and returns before God. These are the results achieved by the work of the word.

1. How Important God’s Love for Man Is
2. The Significance of God’s Managing Mankind
3. In the Age of Kingdom, the Word Accomplishes Everything

Seek the Way of Life | Cantata “Chinese Gospel Choir Episode 5”

In the last days, God will use the word to accomplish everything! In the words expressed by God, man’s true countenance is exposed. Evil shall return to evil; good shall return to good. Those who have accepted the work of God behold His true identity and status from His word, and then offer to cooperate with God. They’re spreading God’s name throughout the world so that people from all tribes and nations will exalt His holy name and acknowledge Him to be the God of all creatures. As for those resistant ones, they are also revealed in the judgment of God’s word, and thus receive God’s eternal chastisement. Finally, all things will be restored to what they were at the creation—the impure old world will come to nothing, and a holy new world will be built henceforth!

Gospel Movie "Ironclad Proofs—Disclose the Mystery About the Bible" https://goo.gl/YLBXKL 
Offer Songs of Praise to God - “Love the Practical God With All Our Heart” https://youtu.be/7hivHik_hy0
Best Way to Know God | Praise and Worship "Chinese Gospel Choir Episode 17"https://youtu.be/gUpcspWNbR0
Gospel Movie "Rapture in Peril" https://goo.gl/EoLVi6

EasternLightning | TheChurch of Almighty God came into being because of the work of the returned Lord Jesus—the end-time Christ, “AlmightyGod”—in China, and it isn’t established by any person. Christ is the truth, the way, and the life. After reading God’s word, you will see that God has appeared.

Email: info@kingdomsalvation.org

The Direction for All Mankind to go Forward | Choral Music "Chinese Gospel Choir Episode 12"

God created this world and created mankind. He cares for mankind night and day. At the beginning, man, innocent and carefree, lived happily under God’s care. Corrupted by Satan, man stayed further and further away from God, forgot God’s instructions, forsook God’s way, and abandoned himself to hideous depravity. He lost the blessings and promises of God and fell under the wrath of God….
Look back to the history: Noah and his family survived the deluge, for Noah obeyed God’s calling. The people of Sodom were exterminated by God, for they set themselves in mortal enmity to God. The people of Nineveh received God’s mercy, for they were convinced of God and thus confessed their sins and repented. The entire Jewish nation was subjected to destruction, for they nailed Jesus to the cross…. A series of facts tell us a truth that mankind receives God’s keeping because of their faith and worship for God and it is punished because of their resistance and rejection toward God.
Do you want to know the fate and destination of mankind? Do you wonder how to receive the compassion and tolerance of the Creator? This chorus of God’s word will reveal everything to you….

1. God Presides Over the Fate of All Mankind
2. Only If Mankind Worships the True God Can They Have a Good Fate
3. No Power Can Stand in the Way of What God Wishes to Achieve

Gospel Movie "Ironclad Proofs—Disclose the Mystery About the Bible" https://goo.gl/YLBXKL 
Best Way to Know God | Praise and Worship "Chinese Gospel Choir Episode 17"https://youtu.be/gUpcspWNbR0
Offer Songs of Praise to God - “Love the Practical God With All Our Heart” https://youtu.be/7hivHik_hy0
Kingdom Song of Praise "Millennial Kingdom God’s Purpose" https://goo.gl/5BrFq5 
Gospel Movie "Rapture in Peril" https://goo.gl/EoLVi6

EasternLightning | TheChurch of Almighty God came into being because of the work of the returned Lord Jesus—the end-time Christ, “AlmightyGod”—in China, and it isn’t established by any person. Christ is the truth, the way, and the life. After reading God’s word, you will see that God has appeared.

Email: info@kingdomsalvation.org

God's word Is a Light to My Path | Rock Music "Chinese Gospel Choir Episode 11"

The Lord Jesus has descended on a white cloud among us with His judgment, His righteousness, and His original disposition, revealing to mankind the true God who bestows His mercy abundantly and casts out His anger fiercely. All the time, He forgives man with His mercy and warns man with His anger. His mercy, lovingkindness, majesty, and wrath inspire man’s sincere reverence. Because of His holiness and righteousness, man sees the hope, sees the appearance of light and righteousness, and sees the scene that the Redeemer has already returned on a white cloud. Only God can see through the evil and corruption of the world, only God can console this mankind who is moaning, and only God can save man from the boundless sea of misery! With God, everything has been predestined. God’s people will listen to God’s voice. Under God’s righteous judgment, all those who truly love God will return to God’s throne.

1. All Nations Come to Your Light
2. God Bestows His Mercy Abundantly and Casts Out His Anger Fiercely
3. All Things Are in God’s Hand

Gospel Movie "Ironclad Proofs—Disclose the Mystery About the Bible" https://goo.gl/YLBXKL 
Offer Songs of Praise to God - “Love the Practical God With All Our Heart” https://youtu.be/7hivHik_hy0
Best Way to Know God | Praise and Worship "Chinese Gospel Choir Episode 17"https://youtu.be/gUpcspWNbR0
Faith-Hope-Love | Musical Drama "Xiaozhen’s Story" https://goo.gl/4XGgNJ 
Gospel Movie "Blessed Are the Poor in Spirit" https://goo.gl/N4RmlI 

EasternLightning | TheChurch of Almighty God came into being because of the work of the returned Lord Jesus—the end-time Christ, “AlmightyGod”—in China, and it isn’t established by any person. Christ is the truth, the way, and the life. After reading God’s word, you will see that God has appeared.

Email: info@kingdomsalvation.org

God’s people will listen to God’s voice | Music Concert "Chinese Gospel Choir Episode 10"

Almighty God, Christ of the last days, has quietly descended among man brimming with righteousness and majesty, love and compassion. He brings the Age of Grace to an end and ushers in the Age of Kingdom, and expresses new words and does the work of judgment beginning with the house of God. Though no one welcomes God’s coming, He still humbly hides Himself in the flesh, works in many ways, and speaks in various perspectives to supply the needs of man’s life. Gradually, people’s hearts are conquered by these words possessed of authority, and they recognize Almighty God is exactly the return of the Lord Jesus. All of them have great excitement, and follow the footsteps of God and return before the throne of God in succession. It can be seen that where there is the expression of God in the new age, there is the appearance of God; where there are the new words of God, there are the footsteps of God. It is not difficult to search for the footsteps of God!

1. Almighty God Quietly Walked into the Heart of Each of Us
2. How to Search for God’s Footprints

Kingdom Songs of Praise "The Significance of the Appearance of God" https://goo.gl/FOFYa4
Praise and Worship | Rock Music "Chinese Choir Episode 11" https://goo.gl/zfBqB8 
Faith-Hope-Love | Musical Drama "Xiaozhen’s Story" https://goo.gl/4XGgNJ 
Gospel Movie "Blessed Are the Poor in Spirit" https://goo.gl/N4RmlI 

EasternLightning | TheChurch of Almighty God came into being because of the work of the returned Lord Jesus—the end-time Christ, “AlmightyGod”—in China, and it isn’t established by any person. Christ is the truth, the way, and the life. After reading God’s word, you will see that God has appeared.

Email: info@kingdomsalvation.org

True Love of the Creator | Chinese Drama “Chinese Gospel Choir Episode 9”

Music comes from the praise of the heart, Dance comes from the desire of the soul. Choir of the Church of Almighty God Presents the misery and joy of life and the salvation of God in the form of musical. On the stage of life, everyone performs different roles and puts on different and unexpected plots every day. Choir of the Church of Almighty God interprets all sorts of life with their vivid dance and beautiful voice. Beautiful chorus conveys the voice of calling of God. Arousing people's spirit and expelling the darkness from your life, God will guide you into the real happiness and let your life burst out beautiful luster!

Through six thousand years of tempest and storm, men have walked with satan. They no longer believe in the existence of God, no longer understand the truth about being a man, but rely on the wicked to adapt to the rules of life of this evil mankind. Science, knowledge, fame and gain, position, money, and pleasure become the idols in their hearts and the goals of their pursuit. They scramble for fame and gain, intrigue and fight against each other. They live in Hades and hell, tasting the bitterness. They groan in misery, with no help or hope….

Just like that, men keep away from God and evade God’s care and keeping, but God is still concerned about them. To save men from satan’s domain completely, he served as man’s sin offering. Today, in the end time, he came among men in the flesh again. He expresses the word to judge and chastise men to save men out of misery. Then they will know that only God is the fountain of man’s life, only God rules over everything of man and provides man with what he needs, and only God is worthy for man to obey and worship….

Do you feel the desolation of your life? Do you feel empty in your soul? Are you trudging along your way? Did you lose the direction of your life? … Do not be perplexed. Do not cry. Almighty God has been awaiting your return all along. His word can solve all of your confusion and show you a bright way of life….

1.The Sorrow of Corrupt Mankind
2.Man’s True Condition of Being Corrupted by Satan
3.The Practical God Saves Men in Obscurity
4.The Result God's Work Will Produce in the End

Kingdom Songs of Praise "The Significance of the Appearance of God" https://goo.gl/FOFYa4
Welcome the Return of the Lord Jesus | Praise and Worship "The Happiness in the Good Land of Canaan"https://youtu.be/eOg9MLDkN8A
Faith-Hope-Love | Musical Drama "Xiaozhen’s Story" https://goo.gl/4XGgNJ 
Gospel Movie “Stinging Memories” https://goo.gl/WuyWex
Best Way to Know God | Praise and Worship "Chinese Gospel Choir Episode 17"https://youtu.be/gUpcspWNbR0

EasternLightning | TheChurch of Almighty God came into being because of the work of the returned Lord Jesus—the end-time Christ, “AlmightyGod”—in China, and it isn’t established by any person. Christ is the truth, the way, and the life. After reading God’s word, you will see that God has appeared.

Email: info@kingdomsalvation.org

What is Life | Musical Drama "Xiaozhen’s Story"

Xiaozhen was a simple, kind-hearted Christian. She treated all her friends with a sincere heart. However, faced with interests, her good old friends turned into enemies. After the tragic encounter, Xiaozhen was forced to abandon her sincere heart and the principle of conducting herself. She betrayed her conscience and soul and associated with the evil world. … Day by day, she became more and more fallen. Trampled by this evil world, she was badly hurt. Just when she came to a dead end and sank into utter despair, the sincere calling of Almighty God finally awakened her heart and spirit….

Best Way to Know God | Praise and Worship "Chinese Gospel Choir Episode 17"https://youtu.be/gUpcspWNbR0
Chinese Chorus "God’s Realness and Loveliness" https://goo.gl/NDCM1S
Offer Songs of Praise to God - “Love the Practical God With All Our Heart” https://youtu.be/7hivHik_hy0
Gospel Movie "God's Name Has Changed?!" https://goo.gl/7DAq8v 
Gospel Movie "Stinging Memories" https://goo.gl/WuyWex 

EasternLightning | TheChurch of Almighty God came into being because of the work of the returned Lord Jesus—the end-time Christ, “AlmightyGod”—in China, and it isn’t established by any person. Christ is the truth, the way, and the life. After reading God’s word, you will see that God has appeared.

Email: info@kingdomsalvation.org

Gospel Movie "Break Through the Snare" (4) - Distinguish Between God's Word and Man's Word

Is all scripture really revealed by God? In the Bible, which words are God’s words and which are man’s? Does believing in God mean believing in the Bible? Have you ever sought answers to these questions? This video will get you the right answers.

Two thousand years ago, when the Lord Jesus did the redemptive work, He suffered the wild slander and condemnation of the Jewish religious world, and was nailed to the cross by the Jewish leaders and the Roman government. In the last days, when Almighty God—the returned Lord Jesus comes to China and does the work of judgment, He again suffers the condemnation, suppression, and persecution of the CCP government and the religious world. The widespread rumors, which judge and slander the Church of Almighty God, are like an invisible snare, covering and controlling numerous believers. The tragedy of history repeats itself… 

The protagonist of this movie is one of those numerous believers. Faced with Almighty God's gospel of the last days, she was deceived and bound by the rumors of the CCP government and the religious leaders, lost in confusion… After several intense debates, she understood the truth from Almighty God’s words, and finally saw the true fact behind the rumors. She broke through the snare and beheld the appearance of the true God…

전능하신 하나님 교회 말씀 찬양 「하나님의 발자취를 어떻게 찾을 것인가」 전능하신 하나님 교회

하나님의 발자취를 어떻게 찾을 것인가

1. 하나님의 발자취를 찾으려 한 이상 하나님의 뜻을 찾아야 하고 하나님 말씀과 발하는 음성을 찾아야 한다. 이는 하나님의 새 말씀 있는 곳에 하나님의 음성이 있고 하나님의 발자취 있는 곳에 하나님의 행사가 있고 하나님의 발표가 있는 곳에 하나님의 나타남이 있고 하나님 나타남이 있는 곳에 진리, 길, 생명이 있기 때문이다.

2. 너희들은 하나님의 발자취를 찾으면서 “하나님은 진리, 길, 생명이다”는 이 말씀을 소홀히 하였다. 그러므로 많은 사람들이 진리를 얻고서도 하나님 발자취를 찾았다고 여기지 않고 하나님 나타남이라고는 인정하지도 않는다. 이는 얼마나 심각한 실수인가! 하나님의 나타남은 사람의 관념에 부합될 리가 없고 더욱이 사람의 요구에 따라 나타날 리도 없다.

3. 하나님이 사역을 하는 데는 자신의 선택과 계획이 있고 더욱이 자신의 목표와 자신의 목표와 방식이 있다. 그가 어떤 사역을 하든지 사람과 상의하여 사람의 의견을 구할 필요 없고 더욱이 각 사람에게 알릴 필요도 없다. 이는 하나님의 성품이고 더욱이 각 사람마다 알아야 할 바이다. 이는 하나님의 성품이고 각 사람마다 알아야 할 바이다.

4. 하나님의 나타남을 보려 하고 하나님의 발자취를 따르려 한다면 우선 자기의 관념에서 벗어나 하나님께 이렇게 저렇게 해야 한다고 지나치게 요구하지 말고 하나님을 너의 범위와 관념 속에 제한하지도 말라. 너희 자신에게 어떻게 하나님의 발자취를 찾고 하나님의 나타남을 받아들이고 하나님의 새 사역에 순종하겠는가를 요구해야 한다. 이야말로 사람이 해야 할 바이다. 사람은 진리가 아니고 진리가 갖춰지지 않았기 때문에 사람이 해야 할 것은 찾고 받아들이고 순종하는 것이다. 찾고 받아들이고 순종하는 것이다 순종하는 것이다.

≪말씀이 육신에서 나타남ㆍ하나님의 나타남은 새로운 시대를 가져왔다≫에서 발췌

전능하신 하나님 교회는 예수님의 재림말세의 그리스도 ‘전능하신 하나님 중국에서의 역사로 말미암아 탄생된 것이지 사람이 세운 것이 아닙니다그리스도는 진리생명이십니다하나님의 말씀을 읽어보면 하나님께서 이미 나타나셨음을 알게 됩니다.

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